percolation Module

A module with procedures for calculating various properties which are interesting when doing numerical percolation experiments.


  • module~~percolation~~UsesGraph module~percolation percolation module~utilities utilities module~percolation->module~utilities module~hk hk module~percolation->module~hk

Used by

  • module~~percolation~~UsedByGraph module~percolation percolation module~randomwalk randomwalk module~randomwalk->module~percolation



TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
real(kind=dp), public, parameter:: pc =0.592746

Known critical probability for a two-dimensional site-percolating system.


public function create_binary_matrix(p, L) result(binary_matrix)

Create a random, binary (logical) matrix, which can be used in percolation experiments.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: p

Probability for each matrix element to be .true..

integer, intent(in) :: L

Return Value logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable

Randomly created matrix, where each element is .true. or .false. if a randomly generated number is smaller or greater than p.

public function find_sizes(labelled_matrix, num_labels) result(sizes)

Count the number of sites belonging to each cluster in the labelled matrix.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer, intent(in), dimension(:,:):: labelled_matrix

Integer matrix with labelled clusters, resulting from the Hoshen-Kopelman algorithm.

integer, intent(in) :: num_labels

The known number of clusters.

Return Value integer, dimension(:), allocatable

Array of cluster sizes. The i'th element is the size of the cluster with label i.

public function find_spanning_cluster(labelled_matrix, num_labels) result(spanning_label)

Find the label of the percolating cluster, i.e. the one spanning from one side of the system to the opposing side.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer, intent(in), dimension(:,:):: labelled_matrix

Labelled matrix of clusters from hoshen_kopelman/label.

integer, intent(in) :: num_labels

Known number of clusters.

Return Value integer

Label of the percolating cluster. -1 if no percolating cluster is found.

public function spanning_density(p, L, num_samples)

Density of the spanning/percolating cluster, i.e. the number of sites on the percolating cluster divided by \(L^2\). Averaged over num_samples Monte Carlo samples (with OpenMP).


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: p

The probability for a site to allow transport.

integer, intent(in) :: L

The size of the system.

integer, intent(in) :: num_samples

The number of Monte Carlo samples.

Return Value real(kind=dp)

The number of sites on the spanning cluster divided by \(L^2\).

public function spanning_probability(p, L, num_samples)

Calculate the probability of having a spanning/percolating cluster, given a system size L and probability for a site to have transport p.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: p

Probability for a site to allow transport.

integer, intent(in) :: L

Size of the system.

integer, intent(in) :: num_samples

Number of Monte Carlo samples.

Return Value real(kind=dp)

The probability of having a percolating cluster, calculated as the number of times a percolating cluster is found, divided by the number of attempts (num_samples).

public function spanning_probability_inverse(x, L, num_samples, tolerance) result(p_x)

Find the inverse of spanning_probability by use of the bisection method.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: x

The value of spanning_probability for which the inverse is calculated.

integer, intent(in) :: L

Size of the system.

integer, intent(in) :: num_samples

Number of Monte Carlo samples to use when evaluating spanning_probability.

real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: tolerance

Tolerance of approximation. The return value is within tolerance/2 of the correct (but numerical) value.

Return Value real(kind=dp)

The inverse of spanning_probability. If spanning_probability is denoted \(\Pi(p,L)\), this function returns \(p\) such that \(\Pi(p,L)=x\).


public subroutine label(matrix, labelled_matrix, num_labels)

Alternative interface to the Hoshen-Kopelman algorithm from the hk module, which uses a binary matrix created by create_binary_matrix.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
logical, intent(in), dimension(:,:):: matrix

Binary matrix where clusters will be identified.

integer, intent(out), dimension(:,:), allocatable:: labelled_matrix

Integer matrix which will store the labels of each cluster. Reallocated if necessary.

integer, intent(out) :: num_labels

Overwritten with the total number of disjoint clusters.

public subroutine cluster_number_density(p, L, num_samples, bin_mids, results, binsize_base)

Calculate the number density of clusters with different sizes. The cluster number density is defined as \begin{equation} n(s,p) = \sum_{\text{MC-samples}} \frac{\text{number of clusters with size }s} {L^2\cdot\text{number of MC-samples}}. \end{equation} Direct calculations will usually give bad results, as there will be very few clusters with large sizes compared to the numbers of clusters with small sizes. This is circumvented by doing logarithmic binning and averaging, i.e. \begin{equation} n\left([s+\Delta s),p\right) = \sum_{\text{MC-samples}} \frac{\text{number of clusters with size }s \in[s,s+\Delta s)} {\Delta s\cdot L^2\cdot\text{number of MC-samples}}, \label{eq:nsp} \end{equation} where \(\Delta s\) are logarithmically distributed. After execution, bin_mids will contain the centres of the bins.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: p

Probability for a given site to allow transport.

integer, intent(in) :: L

Percolating systems will be \(L\times L\).

integer, intent(in) :: num_samples

Results will be averaged over this number of Monte Carlo-samples. Sampling is parallelised.

real(kind=dp), intent(out), dimension(:), allocatable:: bin_mids

Centres of bins.

real(kind=dp), intent(out), dimension(:), allocatable:: results

Cluster number density in \eqref{eq:nsp}.

real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional :: binsize_base

The edges of the logarithmically distributed bins will be integer powers of this number. Default: 1.5.