spanning_probability_inverse Function

public function spanning_probability_inverse(x, L, num_samples, tolerance) result(p_x)

Find the inverse of spanning_probability by use of the bisection method.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: x

The value of spanning_probability for which the inverse is calculated.

integer, intent(in) :: L

Size of the system.

integer, intent(in) :: num_samples

Number of Monte Carlo samples to use when evaluating spanning_probability.

real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: tolerance

Tolerance of approximation. The return value is within tolerance/2 of the correct (but numerical) value.

Return Value real(kind=dp)

The inverse of spanning_probability. If spanning_probability is denoted \(\Pi(p,L)\), this function returns \(p\) such that \(\Pi(p,L)=x\).


proc~~spanning_probability_inverse~~CallsGraph proc~spanning_probability_inverse spanning_probability_inverse proc~spanning_probability spanning_probability proc~spanning_probability_inverse->proc~spanning_probability

