module utilities !! Useful procedures when doing percolation. implicit none integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0) !! Kind used for all **real** variables. contains function stringfromint(x) !! Make a string of "correct" length from a positive integer. character(len=:), allocatable :: stringfromint !! String containing the given integer, without spaces. integer, intent(in) :: x !! Positive integer to be converted. integer :: numdigits numdigits = int(log10(real(x))) + 1 allocate(character(len=numdigits) :: stringfromint) write(unit=stringfromint, fmt="(i0)") x end function function linspace(a,b,N) !! Create an array of **N** linearly spaced *values* (not intervals) !! from **a** to **b**. !! Similar to [`numpy.linspace(a, b, N)`]( integer, intent(in) :: N !! Number of values (not intervals). real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: a !! Lower endpoint. real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: b !! Upper endpoint. real(kind=dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: linspace !! Array of linearly spaced values. real(kind=dp) :: dx integer :: i dx = (b - a)/(N - 1) linspace = [ (a + i*dx, i=0, N-1) ] end function subroutine linfit(x, y, slope, const) !! Compute a linear fit for the given data, return !! the slope and the constant term. !! `dgels` from LAPACK solves the linear least squares problem. real(kind=dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x, y !! Values to be fitted. real(kind=dp), intent(inout) :: slope !! \\(a\\) in \\(y=ax+b\\). real(kind=dp), intent(inout) :: const !! \\(b\\) in \\(y=ax+b\\). real(kind=dp), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: A real(kind=dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: b, work integer :: lda, ldb, lwork, info, m m = size(x) allocate(A(m,2)) allocate(b(m)) allocate(work(1)) A(:,1) = x(:) A(:,2) = 1 b(:) = y(:) lda = m ldb = m lwork = -1 call dgels("N",m,2,1,A,lda,b,ldb,work,lwork,info) lwork = int(work(1)) deallocate(work) allocate(work(lwork)) call dgels("N",m,2,1,A,lda,b,ldb,work,lwork,info) slope = b(1) const = b(2) if(info /= 0) then error stop "Problems with least squares" endif end subroutine function find_intersection(array1, array2, num_labels) result(intersect_label) !! Find the common element in two arrays, given a total of !! **num_labels** unique elements. Used by [[find_spanning_cluster]]. integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: array1, array2 !! Array to analyse. integer, intent(in) :: num_labels !! The known number of unique non-zero elements. integer :: intersect_label !! The first non-zero common element. integer :: L, i logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: label_found L = size(array1) allocate(label_found(0:num_labels)) !/intersectsnippetstart/! label_found(0:num_labels) = .false. do i=1,L label_found(array1(i)) = .true. end do do i=1,L if(array2(i) /= 0 .and. label_found(array2(i))) then intersect_label = array2(i) return end if end do !/intersectsnippetend/! intersect_label = -1 end function subroutine find_random_point(matrix, i, j) !! Find a random position on **matrix** such that !! **matrix(i, j)** is `.true.`. logical, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: matrix !! Matrix whose `.true.` values are allowed positions for the !! random walker. integer, intent(out) :: i, j !! Returned random point on **matrix**. integer :: L real(kind=dp) :: x0_real, y0_real L = size(matrix, 1) ! Find random starting point. do call random_number(x0_real) call random_number(y0_real) x0_real = L*x0_real + 1 y0_real = L*y0_real + 1 i = int(x0_real) j = int(y0_real) if(matrix(i,j)) then return end if end do end subroutine subroutine periodic_wraparound(x, L) integer, intent(inout) :: x integer, intent(in) :: L if(x == 0) then !write(*,*) "before:", x x = L !write(*,*) "after:", x else if(x == L+1) then !write(*,*) "before:", x x = 1 !write(*,*) "after:", x end if end subroutine function mark_percolating_with_periodic(label_matrix, & percolating_label, & num_clusters) & result(matrix) !! Return a `logical` matrix where the `.true.` values are the sites !! belonging to the percolating cluster, when periodic boundary !! conditions are considered. integer, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: label_matrix !! Labelled matrix from [[label]] or [[hoshen_kopelman]]. integer, intent(in) :: percolating_label !! Known label of the percolating cluster. integer, intent(in) :: num_clusters !! The known number of clusters. logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: matrix !! Matrix where the `.true.` values are the sites belonging to !! the percolating cluster with periodic boundary conditions. integer :: L, i, j logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: connected_to_percolating L = size(label_matrix, 1) allocate(matrix(L,L)) allocate(connected_to_percolating(0:num_clusters)) connected_to_percolating(:) = .false. connected_to_percolating(percolating_label) = .true. do i = 1, L if(label_matrix(i,1) == percolating_label) then connected_to_percolating(label_matrix(i, L)) = .true. end if if(label_matrix(i,L) == percolating_label) then connected_to_percolating(label_matrix(i, 1)) = .true. end if if(label_matrix(1,i) == percolating_label) then connected_to_percolating(label_matrix(L, i)) = .true. end if if(label_matrix(L, i) == percolating_label) then connected_to_percolating(label_matrix(1, i)) = .true. end if end do connected_to_percolating(0) = .false. !$omp parallel do do j = 1, L do i = 1, L matrix(i,j) = connected_to_percolating(label_matrix(i,j)) end do end do !$omp end parallel do end function end module